Ana Toledo
2 min readJan 8, 2018


Thank-you for your empathy and genuine interest in helping the people of Puerto Rico. However, the success of your efforts demands that you get a thorough grasp of the situation by talking to the people, not just government officials.

The reason I know you are not privy to the people’s opinion is because your article fails to mention the biggest obstacle to the reconstruction process. To wit: the deficient job that the state-owned bankrupt monopoly PREPA and their workers’ union UTIER. They have hampered the reconstruction efforts of the brigades from the United States by limiting the amount of work, hours and locations they can work.

The US workers have left their homes and families for weeks to come to PR and carry out a dedicated work of excellence. They have proven to be extremely well-prepared, meticulously repairing facilities like no one here had ever seen. Unlike the indifferent local workers who have been known to illegally charge persons thousands of dollars to connect them faster to the electric service, the US brigades truly feel our plight, and give it all they’ve got.

PREPA and UTIER are fighting the US brigades in a last-ditch effort to avoid the privatization tsunami. When the hurricane struck, it uncovered decades of PREPA’s and UTIER’s abandonment of the grid despite the $9B in loans.

Your article fails to mention as well that companies like Tesla have come to PR to bring electricity to many municipalities and is not charging a penny for it.

Both FEMA and the Federal Government need to turn to the people, not the government officials detached from the former’s plight, to know what needs to be done.

Without electricity, the Island will not be able to get off its feet. Absolute control of the reconstruction work of the electric grid must be delegated to the United States Army Corps of Engineers. They should be the ones to direct and coordinate the energization efforts. They don’t have any hidden agendas. Only a commitment to serve with utmost professionalism and honesty.

The best way you can use your power to help the people of Puerto Rico is making it possible for Congress to delegate to the Corpos of Engineers complete control of the reconstruction of the electric grid.

Our reconstruction and livelihood depends on it.



Ana Toledo

Puerto Rican warrior & targeted individual; fighting for equal environmental rights, one pipe at a time”. “Mi nada, a nadie se lo debo.” Julia de Burgos.